Sep 14, 2016

How to create an Android Bootable Usb Drive For Windows Installation on PC

Most times we use PC to flash Stock rom in android devices either to unbrick the device or to upgrade to a newer version of Andriod OS. 

Well, technology today has made it possible for android to offer a helping hand to PC in the case of repairing your PC by converting your android phone to bootable USB with the help of one simple app. If your PC’s Windows is Damaged, and you are worried that you have to take your PC to an engineer  for windows repair probably because your PC doesn't have a CD-ROM. Well worry no more because with Rufus Software you can create a bootable Pendrive and install windows in our pc. 

Sometimes, we don’t have two PC to Create a Bootable USB for another pc or do not have Bootable Pendrive ready with us for use. So in this situation you have to ask your friends to create bootable USB for you. But there is one more solution, on which this guide is based on. If you would like to use your android device as a  Bootable USB Drive and install operating system on your PC, then simply follow this detailed guide. So I will walk you guys through on how to make an android phone bootable for installing any operating system on your PC. 

Though there are some other ways to Make an android phone bootable USB, but believe me this is one of the best way ever to make an android Bootable USB. Google is working hard day by day to make android OS more powerful. So If you would like to Make your Phone a bootable USB drive for windows installation on PC, then simply follow this tutorial.

Requirements for Creating an Android Bootable USB Drive

Below are the basic requirements needed to Burn USB Windows ISO on your Android for free.
  • Your Android Device Must Be Rooted
  • Rufus For PC – Download Rufus
  • DriveDriod App for Android – Download Drive Droid
  • USB Cable which is gonna be used in Connecting your Android Device to your PC.
  • Minimum 4GB Free Space in Memory Card (Required for burning ISO Image)

List of Operating System Which Can be burned on your Android device

  • Any Windows Version (XP, 7, 8 or 10)
  • You Can Also burn any Linux ISO in your Android like (Ubuntu, Kali linux etc)
You can Also Download Operating System Directly from DriveDroid app which are Open Source and free to use, see below screenshots for guide

These are the list of OS which this app supports currently. This app supports both UEFI & legacy File System. So you don’t need to worry about your PC type. 

How to Make Android Phone a Bootable USB Drive For Free

  • Open The DriveDroid App on your Phone which you downloaded, and Grant it root acces.

  • After you've Granted the app  Root access , Simply hit the menu button on the app and then select the option of Create Blank Image.

  • After that, in Next Page, Enter the name of the ISO According to your Size, and Enter the Size of your ISO Image for example windows 8 IMG size is 3500MB then enter 3500 in app, like below screenshot.
Make Sure to Untick Partition Table (MBR) Option

  • Then Click on Tick Icon from top right icon  and let it create one IMG in your Device. and then Connect your Phone to PC via USB Cable.

  • Once connected, Goto the app main Screen, and click on the new image file which you just Created and select USB Option.

    • Now Simply open Rufus from your PC, and Select The options As Described in Below Image.

    • Make sure you select the Device as No Label and then Select ISO Image option and select Image which you want to create as bootable. and click on Start button.
    • Now kindly exercise  patience as it starts doing the process which takes 10-30 Minutes (Speed Depend on your PC & Data Cable & Memory Card class).
    Once the process has been completed successfully, you now have your android as a bootable USB Drive which you can use to install windows on your PC. You can boot into windows installation menu on your PC by Selecting boot keys from your PC like F2 or DEL.

    Thats all...... thanks for reading. Do leave a comment if you encounter any issue while creating a bootable usb drive on your android smartphone.

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